• Unable to pay with American Express via QuickPay

    Issue The issue in this article is that a customer was unable to pay with an American Express card, even when the payment method was configured correctly in Quickpay. After providing the payment information in the payment window; Quickpay responded with the error “The card type used is not supported”. Context To fully understand this…

  • Deployment guide

    Context For the last couple of years, I have been using buddy.works for my testing and production deployments, but recently I wanted to save a couple of danish kroner and decided to downgrade my subscription. This led me to take a closer look at my deployment process. The rest of this post will give a…

  • amadeus-php@0.3.1: Now with a certification helper

    My own fork of the PHP package amadeus-php, now has a certification helper.

  • firstagenda-php-client:v0.5.0

    New breaking change version of the firstagenda-php-client.

  • Assumptions kill

    Be careful with the your assumptions.

  • Create access token for Laravel API

    Quick reference 🙂

  • firstagenda-php-client: v0.4.8

    New version of firstagenda-php-client.

  • amadeus-php: Now supports seatmap

    The open source community based package amadeus-php now supports the Amadeus Seat Map API.

  • How to use the Zendesk API token with Postman

    A task that should be pretty simple, turned out to have an unusual challenge.

  • 418 I’m a teapot

    I didn’t know about the teapot, nor the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol, nor the fact that the internet used to be a fun place.